Beat the heat while keeping your home cool and energy efficient.

Looking to stay clean and green all summer long? No sweat! We’ve got you covered. Whether you’re hitting the outdoors for your favorite summer activities or keeping your home cool during the dog days of summer, a few simple choices can help you stay green and comfortable even throughout the hottest months of the year.

Automate your conservation.

If you have a smart thermostat, you can sign up for Ready, Set, Relax to conserve energy and earn a one-time $25 bill credit.

Get started >

Protect your HVAC system.

Get two annual discounted tune-ups (one per HVAC system) and $5,000 of coverage with the Green Mountain Energy® AC & Heat Protection Plan by Allied Warranty.

Start saving >

Give your home an energy audit.

Take a simple walk-through of your home to check for air leaks, poor insulation or anything that impacts your home’s efficiency.

See the checklist >

Track your usage and impact.

The Green Mountain App can help you stay on top of your summer energy usage and see how green your footprint is.

Download the app >

Conserve energy with these tips.

Summer is one of the highest electricity usage periods of the year. Approximately 60% – 70% of the electricity you use is just for cooling your home. After you set up your home for success with an energy audit, consider implementing these new habits to give your A/C (and your energy consumption) a break.

Turn up your thermostat. For every degree below 78°F, you can expect about a 5% – 7% increase in your cooling costs.

Shut your blinds during the day. Also set them to send heat up toward the ceiling instead of down toward the floor.

Remember the 4-by-4 rule. If you’re going to be away for more than four hours, set the thermostat 4° higher.

Unplug your electronics. Stop vampire power from draining your wallet by putting your electronics on a power strip and unplugging when not in use.

Check your water heater. The ideal temperature for an energy-efficient water heater is 120°F.

Embrace cooking outdoors. When you aren’t using your stove or oven to cook your meals, they aren’t heating up your home and causing your A/C to work overtime.

Looking for more ways to live green this summer?

Greening your summer doesn't stop with saving energy. Both at home and on vacation, there are eco-friendly ways to help yourself and the planet.

Make every morning greener.

Make every morning greener.

Did you know that living your best green life could be as simple as implementing a few eco-changes into your morning routine?

Green your morning >
Plan your travel sustainably.

Plan your travel sustainably.

Heading somewhere this summer? Before you venture out, see our eco-friendly tips that’ll help you travel more sustainably and lower your impact.

Read the guide >
Consider the planet during your move.

Consider the planet during your move.

Take inventory of your belongings and evaluate what you can donate, recycle or reuse in the midst of a move.

Get moving tips >
Green your home from the inside out.

Green your home from the inside out.

If you’re remodeling your home this summer, here are a few green building practices that have a lower impact on the environment.

Get started >